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LSVT LOUD is the first speech treatment with level 1 evidence and established efficacy for treating
voice and speech disorders in people with Parkinson disease (PD) with application to other
neurological disorders.
• The LSVT Programs have been developed and scientifically researched over the past 25 years
with funding from the National Institutes of Health. LSVT LOUD outcome data have been
published in a series of refereed articles in speech, otolaryngology and neurology journals.
• Research on LSVT LOUD has documented improved impact on multiple levels of functioning in
people with PD following treatment including:
– Increased vocal loudness
– Improved articulation and speechintelligibility
– Improved intonation
– Improvements in facial expression
– Changes in neural functioning related to voice andspeech

LSVT LOUD is a standardized treatment protocol that is customized to the unique communication
goals of each person across a range of disease severity and communication impairments.
• LSVT LOUD treatment consists of:
1) 16 sessions: 4 consecutive days a week for 4weeks
2) Individual 1 hour sessions
3) Daily homework practice
4) Daily carryover exercises
• It is essential that LSVT LOUD treatment is only delivered by speech-language pathologists who
are certified in this method.
• Over 21,000 speech-language pathologists from 78 countries have been certified in LSVT LOUD.
Select References:
1. Ramig, L. O., Halpern, A., Spielman, J., Fox, C., & Freeman, K. (2018). Speech treatment in Parkinson’s Disease:
Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). Movement Disorders, 1-15.
2. Ramig, L., et al. (2001). Intensive voice treatment (LSVT) for individuals with Parkinson disease: A two-year followup. J. Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 71, 493-498.
3. Mahler LA, Ramig LO, Fox C. (2015). Evidence-based treatment of voice and speech disorders in Parkinson disease.
Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015 Jun;23(3):209-15. PMID: 2594396615.
Research has been funded, in part, by the: National Institutes of Health-National Institutes on Deafness and Other
Communication Disorders (NID-NIDCD) DC00976 and DC001150; and The Office of Education-National Institute for Disability
and Rehabilitative Research (OE-NIDRR) Grants H133G00079 and H133G40108.